liquorice milkvetch
The liquorice milkvetch is a sweet-tasting plant with unusual-looking flowers. The botanical species name “glycyphyllos” also reflects the “sweetness” of …
Plant identification made easy.
The liquorice milkvetch is a sweet-tasting plant with unusual-looking flowers. The botanical species name “glycyphyllos” also reflects the “sweetness” of …
The round-leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) is one of the smallest carnivorous plants in the moor. However, you have to look …
The white flowers of the “Blackthorn” (Prunus spinosa) are among the first splashes of colour in the hedges in spring. …
The “common silver thistle” (Carlina acaulis ssp. acaulis) is considered the “miracle flower” of Emperor Charlemagne – It was also …
Black henbane is one of the most dangerous nightshade plants in our native flora. In the Middle Ages, the herb …
The “lesser celandine” (Ficaria verna, Ranunculus ficaria L.) used to be considered an aid against scurvy. The plant has a …
The ploughman’s spikenard is probably the most inconspicuous member of the genus “Inula”. The roots were used in the past …