
An overview for the identification guides available for download. And for those who are now wondering, “How do I download the content?”. It’s quite simple. These downloads can be accessed by clicking on the links. Then right-click, open the menu and save it to your PC with “Save as”.

1. Plant identification terminology

This PDF provides an overview of the terminology used in plant identification. It is a compilation of the most important terms from the page ” Terminology in plant identification”.

-> The download is available here: Plant Identification Terminology

2. Regulations in nature conservation areas

This PDF outlines the regulations in nature conservation areas. So that nothing goes wrong on your next visit.

-> The download is available here: Regulations in nature reserves

3. How to distinguish between the umbelliferous plants & the yarrow

It is often not easy to tell these kinds of plants apart. They usually appear very similar to each other. With some distinguishing features and this PDF document, the whole task is made a little easier!

-> An overview of the most important umbellifers can be found here: Identifying umbelliferous plants

4. How to identify wild garlic

This plant is popular among nature lovers and is quickly noticed due to its distinct garlic smell. But be careful when collecting it! It can be easily mistaken for its poisonous doppelgangers.

-> To prevent this from happening to you, you can find the appropriate PDF here: identifying wild garlic

5. How to distinguish between the different species of foxglove

One of the most poisonous native plants but still a popular garden plant. So caution is usually advised when dealing with this plant.

-> With this PDF, the different foxgloves can be easily distinguished: distinguishing foxgloves

6. Leaf morphology

A identification table for the leaf morphology of our native flowers. This is intended to give a rough overview of the different forms. It also makes it easier to understand the plant identification terminology.

-> Here you can download a printable version of the table: leaf morphology plants

An identification table for the leaf morphology of our native trees. This is intended to give a rough overview of the different forms.

-> Here you can download a printable version of the table: leaf morphology trees

7. Cross-section of a flower

A simple illustration showing the most important parts of a blossom.

-> The structure of a blossom with descriptions: Blossom coloured

-> Label it yourself – ideal for interested children: Blossom worksheet

-> To colour in without a description: Colouring in a blossom

8. Structure of a plant

Similar to the cross-section of a flower – a simple illustration showing the most important parts of a plant.

Structure of a plant with descriptions: Plant coloured

Structure of a plant for self-labelling – ideal for interested children: Plant worksheet

Or rather to colour in without a description: Colouring in a plant

identification requests - identification help

I offer my help in identifying plants to anyone for free. Just drop me an email and I can help.

More downloads will follow!

Of course, I am grateful for ideas about further identification guides in the comments!