Special natural habitats – Part 3
♦ reed beds
It is a plant community that develops in shallow water and on the banks of lakes and rivers. It is characterised by various reed species. Other types are the bottom-wet vegetation beds, which consist of grasses and small shrubs. These grow partly in the water and partly on the grass islands in the water bodies. The pictures show the “Pfrunger-Burgweiler Ried”.

♦ “Hochschachten” in the bavarian forest
Until the middle of the 20th century, the mountain meadows in the Bavarian Forest were still used. They were used as meadows for cattle. Today they are considered an important cultural and natural heritage. One of the most famous meadows is probably the “Mittagsplatzl” near the Great Arber. But the most beautiful ones are near Buchenau.
These are cleared forest areas with grass and blueberry bushes. In addition, individual ” herding trees” (single trees) remain. These provided the shepherd and the animals with shady resting places.

Auf diese Gebiete gibt es spezialisierte Pflanzen:
- alpine grass (Carex brizoides)
- blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus)
- martagon lily (Lilium martagon)
- hungarian gentian (Gentiana pannonica)
- swallow-wort gentian (Gentiana asclepiadea)
- mountain arnica (Arnica montana)
- blue monk’s hood (Aconitum napellus)
- wolf’s bane (Aconitum lycoctonum)
♦ Mountain sides and summit area of the “Großer Arber” (Great Arber)
The mountain sides and the summit area are specially protected. The area is a nature reserve.

There are also specialised plants in this area:
- Hungarian gentian (Gentiana pannonica)